The following prayer for soldiers, sailors, fliers, and marines was often used during World War II.
We recommend to thy loving care, Oh God, all those who have been called to serve their country’s cause and are now exposed to the horrors of war and to the spiritual dangers that beset the soldier’s life. Grant them a strong faith to triumph over human respect and bad example and to resist all enticements of sin. Keep them generous and loyal in the service of their God and their country, so that persevering in thy love and thy grace, they may be ever ready to meet suffering and even death, should it be thy will to let them make the supreme sacrifice. Amen.

Here is another Prayer for Military Service members:
Dear God,
We lift up our military service members to you and ask for your protection and guidance. As they serve their country in often challenging and dangerous circumstances, please keep them safe from harm and injury.
We pray for their families and loved ones who also sacrifice and endure separation and uncertainty during these times. Please comfort and strengthen them, and provide for all their needs.
We pray for our military leaders and commanders, that they may lead with wisdom, integrity and compassion.
Please give our service members the courage and strength to persevere, and the knowledge that they are not alone but are surrounded by your love and the support of their fellow citizens.
May they return home safely to their families and loved ones, and may they know that their service and sacrifice is deeply appreciated and honored.
We ask all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.